My Blog

Mar 9, 2011

Poor Hashel

What happened to the poor Hashel in Al-Rustaq hall yesterday?

           Fair is always fair. Monday was the revenge day for some students who have been cheated by their teachers. A student who had got "2" in the Islamic culture course  attacked his lecturer by challenging him man to man to revaluate him again in front of the gathering. The student seemed very confident when he was complaining about his grade. His  brave speech shut the poor lecturer up.
So, what will happen to the revenged student? Will he be kicked out?
Will the lecturer quit after this scandal ?
Who knows??!!!

Gossip Girl



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Poor Hashel.He deserved it.
    Great work sist
    keep going
    by the way what does XOXO mean?

  3. Actually ,,his absence is more than his presnce in classes
    even our projects ,,he had graded them rabidy
    without observing our views
    But I think the student didnit respect his limits
    We should ask for our rights ,,that is right
    but not in this embarrssing way

    We havn;t forget that our behaviors reflcts oue beliefs and culture

    any way,,,,he deserve it
    I wish the teacher wasn't Hashel
    I wish it was Sufian

    I am looking forward to fired him
