My Blog

Mar 10, 2011

The big Saturday

The big Saturday

           Sometimes when the stars align the craziest of things can happen. So there’s no doubt the sky was out of control recently when truly bizarre events went down on the RC. It was utterly cosmic. Things begin to be more exciting and complicating .Until now no whispering from the ministry of high education about our students' demands. Students wisdom starts to turn to an anger monster which will definitely tear the ministry piece by piece unless the sky  will send a magical stick that Rawyah Al-busaidi can use to turn the students' anger to a peaceful breeze. No one can expect  what will happen next future, but what we all know that Saturday is another new day for our brave students. Till then we hope that the ministry will respect  herself and try her best to accomplish the students' demands. Moreover, we pray that when our students bump into each other next Saturday  and  realize that the other was ditching their plans they would not destroy the dean's office.
So, Would Rawyah make her promise true in visiting the colleges of applied science?
And if that happened, Would she listen to the students' demands ?
Could our students be the major factor of kicking her away of her current position ?
Who Knows?

Gossip Girl 


  1. We hope the change in our college will happend ..
    Who knows maybe soon we will see Rawyah far from her chair ..
    All friendly

  2. Who cares about the ministery of high education any way ??
    all what we care about is acomplishing our demands.I hope that Saturday will be a day of changing.
    God bless you our colleagues
    Go ahead brothers and sisters
    all the best

  3. Happy new saturday ladies and gentlemen in RC

    Gossip Girl
